Judith Eckhardt
Purple Passion

Many of the components of this project began as simple module 3 samples, but as I progressed, I was drawn into the creation web and kept making more and trying different combinations until there became a need to unify them into one keepsake project. There are thirteen units in this piece and each unit uses a variety of techniques from modules 1, 2, and 3.

I think it was the slips and grids that finally led the way into a unified theme of PURPLE PASSION.

As I worked through the slips, I wasn't overly impressed by my first samples, but I tried again and kept adding layer upon layer of stitch until I felt that I had some good pieces.

I made numerous lace ones, layered ones, and stitched ones. Then I layered them on other backgrounds including other slips to get a mixed variety of motifs.

Then I started the grids section and fell in love with the concept. I used painted backgrounds of silk, hemp and silk, and cotton, layered snippets of threads, yarns, batiks, glitzy fabrics, and anything that got in the way while I was working to build a base and then I went to town stitching, mostly by machine.

I used as many different thread weights and sizes as I could to add lots of texture.

One grid technique that I tried that worked nicely was the use of YLI Serger Yarn in the bobbin and rayon 30 wt in the top. This was done on a wash away stabilizer that left a bit of residue on the edges which actually gives it a nice highlight.

Anther grid was done on wash away again, but I used Bernina Cording Foot #39 and zigzagged over a fine crochet cotton as I made the grid.

By now I was getting my thoughts together and it started to become a planned project. I began to go back through the lessons and rework some new silk fusion and made wool roving with Textile medium that became a loose piece that was dyed with boiling hot Kool-Aid mix and then stitched with garnet stitch.

Tissue Tex and cheesecloth became paper fabric that was painted with acrylics, then treated to some stamping and a coating of acrylic wax followed by some Treasure Gold rubbings.

Another piece of paper fabric was made with cheesecloth and archival tissue paper which was scrunched and left very rough. This also was painted, sealed, and rubbed coming out looking like an ancient piece of painted leather.

I enjoy working with Tyvek and so section 2 of module 3 gave me a new way to work with this mysterious product. It was first painted purple and then covered in all kinds of bits and pieces and covered with purple chiffon. It was heated with the iron and then the edges were sealed with the heat gun. I free-motion couched some yarn on the top to attach it to the background of panne velvet on interfacing.

Other pieces were created using stamping, painting, thread collage, and couching yarns and cords for effect.

Mulberry bark was painted and used as base for a collage of stitching and a hand made tassel.

Items were created and auditioned; some were set aside for another day.It was pieced and layered on Warm & Natural batting, then stitched with invisible thread to stabilize the sandwich.

Beading was next added for effect. Some areas stood out as too bright so I made cascades of beads to hide these areas, yet give a sense of movement to the piece. I made many of these beads using Tyveck, fabric, paper, silk fusion, and embossing powders.

A cabochon made from an acrylic clay face, which I painted, and beads was added to wool area which had to be toned down with non-fusible Angelina fibers under chiffon. This area was then gridded with hand crocheted Perle cotton chains that were hand couched in place.

A backing was added and then it was both hand quilted and machine quilted. Every one that has viewed it has expressed positive comments. Personally, I feel it is a bit short in artistic balance, but as a keepsake sampler for my work so far in Playways, it is perfect. I have kept a journal while doing this and that has been another new avenue for me. I will keep it up for my future textile art pieces.

Purple Passion
30" x 24"

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