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Silk Gimp
$9.50 ($8.64) / 10 metre spool

Filament Silk Wrapped Gimp is an innovative 100% silk thread recreated from 17th century examples found on period needlework.

It is made by wrapping a silk core thread with another silk thread around the outside, making a very fine cord. The resulting thread is stiff like a gold thread yet coloured.

It can be couched as an outline around counted work or couched in rows to fill a shape. Sometimes it is twisted in a loop over and over again and couched down to make leaves on trees. The silk gimp is thin enough to be placed in a needle eye and stitched from french knots to needlelace.

The drapes, gowns, and tents in stumpwork are often seen in silk gimp. Lions and other animals are usually seen worked in silk gimp; either needlelace or couched.

Pavonaceous 6205


Tuchino 6202


Gendarme Blue 6203


Myrtle Green 6276


Sea Water 6206


Pyncke 6231


Creme 6211


Garance 6213


Red Clay 6214


Garnet 6235


Brasell 6234


Red 6015


Beaver 6247


Folimort 6245


Clove 6246


Marroquin 6266


Gingerline 6270


Pale Pink 6030


Lionin 6263


Partridge 6265


Zeildoek 6243


Flaxseede 6268


Dark Olive 6273


Deep Khaki 6274


Lead 6294


Stone 6292


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