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Gallery One
Medieval Scroll
A piece by Dale using the Illuminations rayon machine threads
and La Scala (see Exotic Yarns) ribbon.

Based on the shape of a rolled up bead

Background fabric - strips of La Scala bonded to acrylic felt over gold flakes and a gold Shiva paintstik rubbed nappy liner, with a black chiffon scarf on the top.

Stitched with rows of automatic patterns using Illuminations variegated threads, then zapped with a heat gun

The letters MAGIC have been digitised and stitched with Illum threads

Inside fabric is Tissutex soaked in Inkjetset and words printed onto the surface through the inkjet printer. The whole piece has been sponged with Distress inks and then stitched onto the front section.

Beads are off cuts zigzagged with gold Illum threads and rolled up using vliesofix to bond them together.
